Promotions, Baby

This is the Place for New Stuff


Here you will find Yahoo! groups or sites that you should check out that are dedicated to certain bands that I think ROCK. And if you like Incubus, you'll probably like these guys too. So be open minded and give these bands a try. Like Kilmore says:

"Good music is good music, no matter what form it is in. Keep an open mind. Have a broader base and you'll be a better fan."


The first band I would really like you guys to check out is audioVENT, formerly known as VENT. They will rock your fuckin' socks off, believe me. Their debut album is coming out on June 4th, titled "Dirty Sexy Knights in Paris" Here is the link to the official site:


Check it out. Download an mp3 of the song "Energy" and see what you think. If you like em, you can join the audioVENT e-team. Click on the picture to do that:

And if you really must know, to knock off any confusion, 3/4 of audioVENT is related to Incubus. Jason Boyd (lead singer) is Brandon's little brother, Ben Einziger (guitars) is Mike's little brother, and Paul Fried (bass) is Mike and Ben's step brother. Okay? okay. BUT! Do not even THINK that they will sound exactly the same. Just DON'T. AV is much rockier than Incubus is. So if you like harder rock as well, this is the band for you.




These boys are one hell of a band. They hail from Wales, and they kick major ass. You can go to the site by clicking on the kickass picture below:

and find out anything you need to know. The boys post in the diary alot, Ian more than anyone else (the lead singer). There are 6 guys, and they all come together to form awesome awesome music. Check em out.



Sadly, the band Dropfaith has parted ways. They did so this past July. Here's the bit they had up at the site:

"I regret to say, the band Dropfaith is no more, having broken up this Thursday, July 25th of 2002. May your memories of the band be wonderful; May the music live on with you. -Aurin
Many thanks to all who supported and helped us through our travels."

Dropfaith was an amazing band that will be sorely missed. I wish all of the past members happy journeys from here on end. RIP, Dropfaith. You were mighty from start to finish.


Autopilot Off

Wow. These guys are absolutely incredible. I saw them live and was blown away. I totally suggest that you check these boys out. They are all rock. I'm not sure who to compare them to....uh, try to imagine Sum41, Jimmy Eat World, and New Found Glory with a touch of AudioVent. They just had a new EP released, "Autopilot Off"

And I ordered it and it is KICKASS. You can go to the official site:

Autopilot Off Website

And download some mp3's for your listening pleasure. Give these boys a try. You won't regret it, believe me. So do everybody a favor and click on the link to the site!



These guys are absolutely AMAZING. I LOVE THEM. They are a British band that have been together for awhile, but they never really got that big. They are getting there now, with their new album, Hi-Fi Serious, which is out now. You can go to the site by clicking on the link below:


It's a flash site, so make sure you got that downloaded, or else it's unattainable. They get alot of recognition in Kerrang! magazine, too. Check em out, man. They really rock.



This band is pretty damn good. They are all rock, and they have meaningful lyrics (in my opinion). I think they are worth a shot. I just got into them a few weeks ago myself, and I highly recommend them. Click on the picture below to get to the main site:

Give em a try. Hopefully they were worth your time.



Sparta has to be one of the best bands I have ever listened to. They are composed of three of the past members from the band At the Drive In. (The bassist is the only non-member.) They are so great, I can't even find the words. Sparta is very similar to the music of At the Drive In, as you can imagine, and they are just, incredible. If you haven't heard these guys and just pass em on without a thought, you are truly missing out on an awesome music experience. (I personally recommend the song "Glasshouse Tarot")




Brand New is a great punk band. Many people have been labeling them"pop punk", but I wouldn't call them that. I suppose it's all a matter of opinion. They have two albums out: "My Favorite Weapon" (2001) and "Deja Entendu" (which translates from the French into "Already Heard") (2003). These guys really are amazing, and they are heading up in the music world. "My Favorite Weapon" has a rockier feel to it, reminding me of early Saves the Day and TakingBackSunday. The new one, "Deja", is a completely different sound from the previous. You can listen for yourself by clicking on the link below to go to the official website:

Brand New Website

I recommend the song "Seventy Times 7" off of "My Favorite Weapon" and "Sic Transit Gloria & Glory Fades" off of "Deja Entendu"



The Beautiful Mistake

I heard about The Beautiful Mistake from Warped Tour last summer. How amazing they were. They have an album out, "Light a Match, for I Deserve to Burn" and it's great. (Not to mention the artwork!) If you haven't check them out, you totally should. They have a real solid guitar base to every song that you can't help but listen to.Go to their official website and find out what I'm talking about for yourself:

The Beautiful Mistake Website


Let's unite and spin this world like a turntable.