What the Hell is Goin on Here?!?

Hello all! I've finally decided to get my rear in gear and make an updates section. This is where I will post all of the things that I have changed, added, taken away, etc. So if you wanna know anything that's going on, you know where to go.

May 31, 2003
Hello All. Kilmore has recently attended the OBC 6 show over on the west coast, and I added three pics from xtremeradio.fm in the Eye Candy section. Check it. Also, in Eye Candy 2, I added 2 pictures of the new band lineup. And, if you haven't already, check out EnjoyIncubus.com, cos the layout is completely different. Phwah.

May 3, 2003
I know this has nothing to do with Kilmore or Incubus, but I could not resist posting it. Remember how I was all upset that Jamin left Audiovent? Well, a source said that when she looked on the Hometown Hero website, Jamin had joined their band. So he has not vanished from the face of music, after all! woot! Just telling everybody. Also, I took some quizzes last night (bored) and put the link thingys up, so if anyone wants to check em out, you know where to go. bye.

April 4, 2003
Yeah...it's official. It's not a joke, as lame as that hope was, it was still a hope. However, not everything turns out the way we want it to. Here is an official statement from our man Brandon on Alex leaving the band:

Hello, Friends.I normally don't participate in this forum because in all honesty internet message boards and chat rooms scare me. They are usually the harbingers of trash-talk, rumors, doctored photos and the occasional truth. But today I am here to try and clarify something that seems to be of growing interest and or concern amongst some of you; where is Dirk lance?Well, to cut straight to the thick of it, he is no longer in the band. I regret to inform you of this in this way but we collectively felt it was the best medium. Now, being a group of people who look forward and not the other way, I would love to express to all of you our gratitude towards Dirk for an amazing 12 years of artistry and dedication. He was and will remain a valuable asset to the history of this band. I am aware that the looming ambiguity of this statement might raise more questions than before, but please know that we wish him the best of fortune in every endeavor he pursues. And we will and are continuing our pursuit of high art in sound. We appreciate all of your support through these strange and beautiful times in our lives and in the world, and I pray that all of you remain safe and aware. But with that I must also issue you a warning; for the music we are currently composing for the next record will be like melted chocolate on your chests and necks! See you this summer on Lollapalooza!-brandon

April 2, 2003
I bring yet MORE crappy news. Is this crap winter causing all of my favorite bands to lose members?!? *sigh* ...read this:


APRIL 1, LOS ANGELES -- Amidst weeks of rumors, fans of the alternative rock band Incubus -- and the band members themselves --were stunned yesterday by the departure of founding bass player Alex "Dirk Lance" Katunich. Katunich, 26, made his intentions known to the band, their management, and their label, Epic Records, in a hand-written note faxed over to them early Monday morning. In the letter, Katunich explains that his "heart was no longer in the music" and that he "must follow his true voice". He hinted at returning to his studies and pursuing a teaching career. Band members were visibly shaken, but very understanding of their childhood friend's decision. Incubus frontman Brandon Boyd stated, "What can I say, we're all pretty surprised. All we can do is wish him the best. There are no hard feelings." Drummer Jose Pasillas adds, "We're definitely going to miss our friend, but we know that he'll be happier following his own path in life. Good luck, Dirk." Incubus had been rehearsing for their stint on this summer's Lollapalooza tour and working on material for a new album expected to be released this fall. No replacement for Katunich has yet been named, though word from several sources said Ben Kenney, formerly of hip-hop band The Roots, was being considered for the slot. The band had no comment on this speculation, stating only that "once we get over the initial shock, we'll begin looking at candidates." Incubus' latest release, "Morning View", has sold over two million copies since its release in October 2001.--Associated Press Wire Services

March 2, 2003
Okay. I can't believe this. The band Audiovent, the one that I have on my Other Bands section, has hit some rocky roads. Jamin, the drummer (and only non-related to Incubus member) has left the band. He's gone. It was reported "musical differences" but I have a huge fucking feeling that that's not true. Just posting it here for people who care--shit. ~Aisling

Feb. 24, 2003
Hello. Finch has updated their site, changed some pictures for them in the Other Bands section. I suggest you check out the new site. I also took care of all the dead links in both the links section and the other bands section. That's all for now~Aisling

Feb. 12, 2003
hey hey~ I fixed all the red x's in the "Other Bands" section. APO made themselves a new website, so the new link is there with some new pictures. Go APO! :D

Jan. 22, 2003
Hi! A friend of mine posted an article in my group, so i added it to the articles section. It's by Fly Magazine in Philadelphia. I also added three new FAQ's in the FAQ's and quotes section. Enjoy!-Aisling

Jan. 21, 2003
Hey there...yeah, i know it's been awhile, but now that the holidays are over, i shall be online more. I fixed the link me banner, i made an upload error and it had the banner as a drawing I had did, but now it's back to the banner and should work fine. Sorry about that to all who were going to use it. : I have a special tour banner to put up in the links section, check it out when you can. Once again, sorry for the lack of updates!! ~ Aisling
Nov. 17, 2002
okay wow. I just spent the better half of my sunday afternoon working on the page! Alright, both eye candy pages have been modified and added to. They are thumbnails now, which I find much easier to deal with when it comes to pics. (even though it takes more work) You will find several to choose from, they run straight down the center of the page. There are also random pics that i added to the rest of the site. (i.e.-there's one of Chris sleeping right before the dream that i have up.) So look around and check it out.-Aisling

Nov. 3, 2002
I've had a bit of a busy weekend last weekend, and a stressful week! And now here I am THIS weekend. whew. So far, since i've been online, I've only fixed those little annoyances...you know, red x's, bad spacing, spelling errors...the things that have been in the back of the mind to fix? Yeah, we all got those. I think i'm gonna go add another band to the other bands section...yeah, that sounds like a good idea. So check back in tomorrow or later today and you should see a new band there for you all to check out. ;) ~Aisling

Oct. 18, 2002
Alrighty, I have partially added a new band to the "other bands" section, I was doing it during my lunch and ended up being late for class (meh, he didn't care) but it's up. I'll modify tomorrow *saturdays are wonderful* I have fixed my banner up, it'll actually work now. stupid html. So, there you are my Kilmore darlings!-Aisling

Oct. 16, 2002
Okay, i fixed an error on the FAQ page, Kilmore isn't an only child, what was i talking about. I will get that band on the page by the end of the day. I have finally gotten a banner! Go to the "Link Me" section and i have a beautimus banner for you all. Check it! -Aisling

Oct. 14, 2002
I added a new link into the links section a few days ago, it's to the page "Are You Linked?" It's a really nice site, I suggest you check it out. Within the next day or two, there will be a new band added to the "Other Bands" section, I just need to get around to it. So keep your eyes open for that. Until next time...

Let's unite and spin this world like a turntable.